3 Drugs that lead to lifelong Addiction.

Addiction is increasingly becoming a problem for our nation as the number of people involved in at least one type of substance abuse increases daily. A large number of these people however are often involved with more than one drug. If this number is allowed to increase without check our country could face a lot of dangers. These addicts can ensure acts of violence and are a danger to themselves and their friends and family. Addiction can easily lead a person to a life of grief and failure so if anyone around you has fallen prey to addiction the only way to help them is to get them enrolled in a rehab program. Get more information about the program that suits your needs at a clinic. Find local clinics by searching online i.e., phoenix detox center.


Alcohol is one of the most common substances that are abused today. One of the main reasons behind the substantial use of alcohol is the fact that it is widely available with the only restriction being above the age of 21. Even this restriction is sometimes not fully abided by since a large number of high school students are frequent alcohol drinkers as store clerks are either fooled or just do not care if the person buying is above the legal drinking age. Alcohol has also become a social drink and an integral part of our society. Most people drink at parties, get-togethers, and other social events. Since this kind of behavior has become acceptable most people who are habitual drinkers do not believe that they are addicted to alcohol. Moreover, since it is widely available most addicts can frequently satisfy their urge for alcohol and do not feel the onset of withdrawal that can warn them of their addiction. This is one of the reasons behind the fact that most older people that are alcohol addicts today began at an early age. Alcohol therefore can usually have lifelong addiction if the person is not admitted to rehab.


Marijuana is also known as pot, Mary jane, weed, is a drug that is made by using the cannabis plant and is among the most commonly abused drugs especially by the younger generation. It is often used in cigarettes and is a very dangerous and addictive substance. Like alcohol, it is legal in some states and therefore socially acceptable. Thus, similar to alcohol the addiction is easily fulfilled. This makes the addiction very hard to counter as the addict themselves do not believe that they are addicted. It causes a person to relax as the drug targets the part of the brain that affects pleasure, this results in a very addictive high.


Heroin is a drug that is among the most common drugs that are smuggled into the country. It often originates in Latin America and several other third world countries. Then these drugs make their way across the border and wreak havoc on the American population. It has a very fast-acting high that also wears off quickly and this means that the addict keeps abusing the drug back-to-back solidifying their addiction. The drug is usually taken through sniffing, orally ingesting, smoking, or through injection. The fact that most addicts abuse drugs in groups means that the danger of HIV is present due to sharing syringes. Heroin is also a drug for which an addict’s body can quickly develop resistance which means that each successive use requires a larger number of drugs to achieve a rush. This raises the chance of overdosing.

Knowing the drugs that are among the most addictive substances allows a person to exercise caution and enables them to avoid them, so they do not end up as a shadow of the person that they are whose entire existence revolves around a drug.

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